We love Izakaya Tanpopo , nothing more, nothing less. Izakaya Tanpopo is a place of relaxation where everyone gathers for simple and clear reasons like.
If more people could get to know this place, and more and more Izakaya Tanpopo families ... it should be very nice. And We wish to Izakaya Tanpopo continue forever.
From that feeling, There is nothing special about being a fan club because of various selfish thoughts as such as "Let's liven up the izakaya Tanpopo!" and "I want to help the izakaya Tanpopo!"
It's just a gathering of people who love Izakaya Tanpopo as much as we do. If we can get together, it would be great if we can be of help to Izakaya Tanpopo.
"I want to go!" "I want to go back the TANPOPO! " "I'm a regular!" or "I've been there!" anyway, the people who "love Izakaya Tanpopo" are the "Tanpopo Family".
The "Kawaguchiko Izakaya Tanpopo Fan Club" is a gathering of Tanpopo family members with this in mind.
The people who gather at Izakaya Tanpopo, and those who have been there before, must be thinking, "I wish this kind of izakaya would last longer...".
We think there are many "Tanpopo families" who have such "feelings". This site was born from the thought that we would be happy if we could talk about those "feelings" and help Izakaya Tanpopo. We believe than each one of us thinking separately, the more we get together, the bigger our " Feelings " will become.
The greater the "feeling", the more we can help Izakaya Tanpopo, don't you think? I hope we can unite the power of the same "feelings" to support Izakaya Tanpopo...
If you have the same "feelings", why don't you join the Izakaya Tanpopo Fan Club?
We are a newly born fan club, there are no restrictions other than the thought that "I love Izakaya Tanpopo!" We don't care about nationality, region, age, gender, etc.
We hope as many people as possible will join us. Why don't you join us and make Izakaya Tanpopo more exciting?
This site is operated by volunteers who gather at "Izakaya Tanpopo". The same volunteers also operated the homepage of "Izakaya Tanpopo" too.
We just loved "Izakaya Tanpopo" and wanted to do something useful, so we started it crazy. And of course, it's all our own work.
The reality is that the limits of amateurs are almost over and this site is not much better..
So, we would like to ask for the help of everyone who has a passion for "I love Izakaya Tanpopo". We would be very grateful if you could provide us with images and topics about Izakaya Tanpopo and its surroundings, Kawaguchiko and Kawaguchiko events.
Of course, those who are familiar with website production and management are also welcome.
Why don't we all work together so that the Izakaya Tanpopo family can grow by having more and more participants, such as ideas full of Izakaya Tanpopo love?
そしてその皮切りとして、「のれん村」のテナントの皆さまと2023年8月5日の「河口湖 湖上祭 花火大会便乗企画」と題して試験的な小規模イベントを行いました。当日はのれん村の駐車場を開放して、クラブ員や常連のお客様の協力を得て、皆私物の折りたたみテーブルや椅子などを提供していただいたりしてのささやかなイベントでしたが、これからの展望に手応えを感じることができました。
We started out as the Izakaya Tanpopo Fan Club with the desire to help Tanpopo and the people who gather there enjoy Tanpopo forever.
In such a situation, the fan club is engaged in various activities.
Its main activity is nothing more than "going to Izakaya Tanpopo and having fun," but as a fan club, we also volunteer to plan, propose, and produce items to support Tanpopo, and we also hold BBQ events led by the fan club.
Through these activities, friendships were formed with other tenants of "Noren-Mura", where Tanpopo is located, and an opportunity was created to liven up "Noren-Mura" as a whole. We are about to step into a new stage where we want to liven up the entire Noren-Mura without any limitations, involve the local community, and make Lake Kawaguchi itself even more exciting than it is now.
As a starting point, we trial held a small event with the tenants of "Noren-Mura" entitled "Lake Kawaguchi Lake Festival Fireworks Festival Piggyback Project" on August 5, 2023.
On the day of the event, we opened the Noren Village parking lot and with the cooperation of club members and regular customers, we borrowed everyone's personal belongings such as folding tables and chairs.It was a small event, but I was able to feel the response to the future prospects.
In the future, we are planning to hold regular events that match seasonal events, as well as events that children can enjoy and welfare-related events.
With the warm support of everyone who loves Tanpopo and Noren-Mura, the fan club will continue to cherish their "thought".
The Izakaya Tanpopo Fan Club is run entirely by members' free service and donations.
But now, We, the fan club, are on a new stage, and we must plan many events from now on, aiming to create a more enjoyable "Noren Village" and a more enjoyable Lake Kawaguchi.
But, the power of a limited number of people is very small.
Therefore, we, the fan club, have decided to ask for the support of everyone who agrees with our activities from all over the world.
Currently, we are working hard to prepare for the help of a crowdfunding management company "READYFOR".
As soon as the crowdfunding is ready, we will ask for your support.
This is our first attempt and it will take some time, but we are making preparations with the goal of starting as soon as we are ready, so we ask for your warm support once crowdfunding begins.
In addition to supporting crowdfunding, the fan club also needs technical support for the production and operation of the website, so we would appreciate your support.